
A learning therapy centre, centred around the needs of each individual child

In learning therapy and assistive learning, a cookie cutter approach cannot be effective. To discover and develop the individual child’s unique abilities takes one-to-one focus and commitment by a professional educational therapist.
Each child is different. Every learner experiences his or her challenges in a one-of-a-kind way. Consequently, each individual can only be guided to deal with those obstacles in ways that suit his or her abilities.

Let’s arrange a session

An assessment session lasting about 45 minutes will determine the best way forward for your child, once an educational psychologist has given a prognosis. You and your child will leave the session feeling understood and informed, bolstered by our years of experience and care.
At Grace Therapy Centre, assessment and therapy sessions are usually scheduled for after school, so as to be least disruptive to the child.
Consultations and therapy take place in modern, well equipped therapy rooms in central Durbanville.
Computers and assistive therapy technology offer high-tech solutions alongside more traditional tactile equipment and materials used in play therapy. A therapy session usually involves both “work” and “play”, each benefitting the individual in complementing ways.
A child who struggles with learning often deals with anxieties. For this reason the centre has been designed to be tranquil and non-threatening. The atmosphere of the therapy rooms is calm, welcoming and fun!
